How do I care for my tooth after root canal treatment?

Reproduced with permission from the
American Association of Endodontists

An opening was made through the chewing surface of your tooth to enable disinfection of the roots.  It is not unusual for a thin layer of the temporary filling material placed in this opening to wear down between appointments.  If you think the entire filling has come out, contact our office immediately.

Reproduced with permission from the
American Association of Endodontists

Do not chew on the treated tooth until you have visited your dentist to have the tooth restored. When endodontically-treated teeth are properly restored, usually with a core foundation and crown, they can last as long as your other natural teeth.  Care for your endodontically-treated tooth as you would your other teeth by following principles of proper nutrition, by practicing good oral hygiene, and by visiting your dentist regularly (usually every 6 months) for professional dental cleanings and check-up exams.


It is normal to experience tenderness following treatment as the tissues around your tooth heal from inflammation and/or infection.  For information regarding the best medications to minimize pain and swelling, see the Pain Management section of Home Care>General Instructions.